Upcoming Equalithons

Womxn Equalithon 2025.
to Mar 31

Womxn Equalithon 2025.

Dozens of hackers, developers, designers, marketers, project managers, mentors, nonprofits, startup founders, artists, investors and companies, all joining forces to advancing equal opportunities for Womxn.

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EU Vivatech Womxn Equalithon 2024.
to Jun 9

EU Vivatech Womxn Equalithon 2024.

Dozens of hackers, developers, designers, marketers, project managers, mentors, nonprofits, startup founders, artists, investors and companies, all joining forces to advancing equal opportunities for Womxn.

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KnowHax 2024
to Apr 26

KnowHax 2024

Hack and Build Knowlege-centric AI with the National Science Foundation and the best AI university labs in the world.

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LatinX Equalithon 2023. Remote.
to Oct 15

LatinX Equalithon 2023. Remote.

Join dozens of hackers, developers, designers, marketers, project managers, mentors, nonprofits, startup founders, artists, investors and companies all trying to advance the cause of equal opportunities for Latinx.

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Nelson Mandela day for Inclusion
to Aug 7

Nelson Mandela day for Inclusion

Beginning on July 22nd, 2022, join us for Nelson Mandela Day Equalithon.

Join Essteem’s #WeBelong community for Nelson Mandela International Day Equalithon. Everyone has the ability and the responsibility to change the world for the better! Mandela Day is an occasion for all to take action and inspire change. We need you to solve tech challenges and come up with the solutions that will help to bring changes in societies for the better!

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Pride Equalithon
to Aug 26

Pride Equalithon

On June 17 Essteem #WeBelong community is launching Pride Month Equalithon to fight the bias against LGBTQ and their right to be less harassed and discriminated in the workplace. Join us and make a strong move towards a new change to support LGBTQ community.

Together, let’s fight for causes with more than just good intentions!

Find out more below. You can’t stop progress. Learn More gotta hack it!

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Cultural Diversity Day Equalithon
to May 29

Cultural Diversity Day Equalithon

Beginning on, May 17, 2022, Support the fight for avoiding violence against women.

Join the Essteem #WeBelong community and TSP (The Serenity Project) To support the movement of avoiding violence against women and make a high impact in this world.

Find out more below. You can’t stop progress. You gotta hack it!

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Hate Crime - Security Next Gen Ideathon
to May 17

Hate Crime - Security Next Gen Ideathon

Whether you are a technologist or not, you can help solve the most pressing challenges for the environment.

Join the Essteem #WeBelong community and Episo Foundation to design and build solutions to the following challenges:

How to unlock economic opportunities for women with low incomes. Build a website and access to resources for Episo Foundation.

Find out more below. You can’t stop progress. You gotta hack it!

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WASTE: no time! Equalithon with Wells Fargo
to May 1

WASTE: no time! Equalithon with Wells Fargo

Whether you are a technologist or not, you can help solve the most pressing challenges for the environment.

Join Essteem, Wells Fargo, and the Essteem #WeBelong community to design and build solutions to the following problems:

What solution could enable us to decrease the oceans' plastic pollution? A challenge targeted towards supporting nonprofits

How to deal with waste impact at the level of communities? A challenge targeted towards minority-owned SMBs or nonprofits

Find out more below. You can’t stop progress. You gotta hack it!

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National Volunteer Week Equalithon
to May 17

National Volunteer Week Equalithon

Whether you are a technologist or not, you can help solve the most pressing challenges for the environment.

Join the Essteem #WeBelong community and Episo Foundation to design and build solutions to the following challenges:

  • How to unlock economic opportunities for women with low incomes. Build a website and access to resources for Episo Foundation.

Find out more below. You can’t stop progress. You gotta hack it!

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Women’s History Month Equalithon with GDI
to May 20

Women’s History Month Equalithon with GDI

Together, let’s fight for equal opportunities for women in the workplace with more than just good intentions!

We encourage people to be informed about sexism and gender issues, participate in community activities, and take personal steps toward building a more inclusive world for women in the workplace.

On March 11th, you're invited to join us to become part of this important global movement! For this Equalithon, we are supporting GDI, a nonprofit that takes action to bring more women developers in the workplace. Find out more about them here.

You can’t stop progress. You gotta hack it!

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Parentpreneurs Black Startup Founders - EqualiCamp 2022 Q1
to May 31

Parentpreneurs Black Startup Founders - EqualiCamp 2022 Q1

Together, let’s fight for equal opportunities for People of Color in the workplace with more than just good intentions!

We encourage people to be informed about racism issues, participate in community activities, and take personal steps toward building a more inclusive world for People of Color in the workplace.

On March 1st, you're invited to join us to become part of this important global movement!

For this new EqualiCamp, we are supporting Parentpreneur, a nonprofit that takes action to bring more Black founders in the Economy. Find out more about them here.

You can’t stop progress. You gotta hack it!

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