What can you achieve with Equalithons?

1- It solves technical challenges for non-profits.


Equalithon.com is a three-sided marketplace that solves 3 problems:

2- It gets exposure for people coming out of boot camps for potential employers.

3- It gives investors an opportunity to be of service to Causes by bringing their startups to benefit from our community.

Free Prototypes, Inclusive Culture,
Hire Tech Talent

Free Prototypes

Thanks to your sponsorship of Equalithons, your portfolio startups led by diverse founders can apply to be supported for free by our volunteer technologists, designers, PMs, and marketers - just connect with us first by “booking a meeting” at the bottom of the page.

Founders will end up with a functional prototype to test users, like: new app prototype, website, app module, mobile versions, chatbots, social media tech, and much more. 

Inclusion training from the get go

Unlock hands-on experiences and training for startup employees to integrate Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) into their jobs, products, and processes.

Report on DEI training metrics and NPS. Report on DEI brand visibility compared to top competitors and top DEI brands.

Report on Inclusive culture growth and teams diversity, over a year.

Hiring & Diversity

Leverage unique, qualitative skill data for junior and senior technologists like developers, designers, engineers, PhDs, project managers…

Source from a predominantly diverse talent pool thanks to our focus on supporting underrepresented communities.

Meet the best diverse technologists: achievers, fast-learners, team players, success-driven and innovation-focused profiles.

Test people in an engaging and purposeful way, for them and for hiring managers.

They Liked Equalithons

Software company with over 6000 employees.

PTC’s DEI team impacted 12 underrepresented communities over a year and became the #1 brand for DEI in the Boston area.

PTC - Recurring Ally

Social news company with about 700 employees.

Reddit’s Allyship ERG impacted 4 communities in one Equalithon and supported participants who finished the development of solutions for nonprofits.

Reddit - Ally

Financial services company with over 268,000 employees.

Wells Fargo’s Foundation impacted the Sanitation Foundation of the NYC Department of Sanitation, ultimately serving a city of 11 million.

Wells Fargo - Champion Ally

How it works

PTC mentor Rich Naggle, Lead Developer, shares more about how easy it is to mentor Equalithons.

On how it is to mentor teams.

Rich, Mentor in several Equalithons,
Principal Software Engineer

“It was great to see the results of the latest Equalithon. I’m always so impressed by the participants.”

Ron, Mentor in several Equalithons,
Software architect - PTC

“Joining the Essteem community for the Equalithon turned out to be very rewarding and educational.”

Hafsat, Participant in several Equalithons

Equalithons helped position the Nasdaq brand with women in tech. Our teams were involved as mentors and are looking forward to renewing the experience!
— Nasdaq, Simon Coombe, North America Head of Talent Acquisition, Global Diversity

Your employees’ impact

Your employees will love to become Equalithon Mentors - they can actually impact a cause in 3 hours of their time, whatever their skill - and will give back to your company by giving back to causes.

Book a meeting

Learn more about our subscriptions, seats, and available customizations