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Hack Hours for Black Founders - Code deployment!


This Hack Hours

On October 4, support Jacquelyn, Founder of Okionou. It’s remote.

Join the #Equalithon community and make a solid move to support Black Legacy! Help review and deploy the code that many volunteers created over the past few months.

Jacquelyn went through lots of difficulties to get there, so please help her deploy the code on her Heroku account, and test her idea!

This Equalithon is an opportunity to:

  • address a critical Societal challenge;

  • improve and scale our impact, together.


  • All times are given in US EST (NYC time)

  • Location: entirely remote except noted otherwise.


Recurring Allies

Keynote speakers

Jacquelyn Clemmons | Okionou, Founder, CEO

Hugo Seureau | Equalithon, Founder, CEO


Past nonprofits partners supported:

  • Adelante Student Voices (LatinX)

  • Beyond the Talk (BIPOC)

  • Blacks in tech (BIPOC)

  • Blended Communities (Accessibility)

  • Code for America (COVID 19)

  • Girl Develop It (Women)

  • Episo Foundation (Women, Incarcerated)

  • Felt Education (Refugees Inclusion)

  • French American Chamber (Foreigners)

  • Institute for Career Transitions (Ageism)

  • Listen First (Rural Gap, Bipartisanism)

  • NaamHouse (Veterans, Accessibility)

  • Open Police Complaints (BIPOC, Police Violence)

  • ParentPreneurs Black Founders (BIPOC)

  • Parity Productions (Women, LGBTQ, Artists)

  • Premiere Urgence International (COVID 19)

  • Protest Away (BIPOC, All communities)

  • Startout (LGBTQIA+)

  • Stanford Pride (LGBTQIA+)

  • Safe Place International (LGBTQIA+)

  • Sanitation Foundation, NYC DoS (Environment)

  • TechQueria (LatinX)

  • The King Center MLK (BIPOC)

  • The Serenity Project (Women, Mental Health)

  • US Department of Veterans Affairs (Veterans)

  • WCAPS (Women, Mental Health)

  • Women Who Code (Women)

More on our past impact


In-Kind Allies

  • Airtable for their support to BIPOC-led companies (of which ourselves)

  • Bubble for no code discount and instructors during EqualiCamps

  • Chatterworks for enabling access to tons of Tech talent

  • Hypedocs to join an Essteem-pod: peers who support each other, weekly

  • Slidebean to create great presentations for teams

  • Sojo Signal for free personalized coaching from our Slack

  • Twilio and Sendgrid for text and email contact opportunities


How this Hack Hour works

Connect & Help

You will get to know our concept, the founder and the project.

Then, we will create 2 breakout rooms

  • Code Review

  • Code deployment

We will reconvene a week later for a shorter update call, and keep in touch over a Slack channel.

Your impact: enable Jaquelyn to create her company, create value, and ultimately, support BIPOC communities by leaving a legacy to their kids and as a role model.


A rewarding experience

Why participate?

Get exposure with potential recruiters, and volunteering, remote teamwork experience.



Meet tech professionals as peers or mentors, and build up a long-lasting network


Experience a new way to give back, change the world, endorse, engage, and mentor.


Experience working on a team & crediting contributors. Prove your tech and leadership skills.


Get meaningful experience and tips to boost your career, learn, innovate, or get hired.


Proud of your talent

We support your talent brand through dedicated

  • job opportunities & tips,

  • certificates & achievement badges,

  • resume support coaching & resume videos.

Mentors feedback

Why participate?

Actually impact

This quarter Impact a cause in ~3 hours of your time*.

  • Scale nonprofits

  • Empower millions of people

  • Launch founders

  • Enable artists


  • Just Show Up!!

  • Or leverage skills.

  • Anyone finds a role 

  • with our onboardings.

Note: Your time commitment varies from 1 to 3 hours for this event.


with underserved communities.


a unique experience and immediate impact..


Learn more with short videos

July 22

Nelson Mandela day for Inclusion

November 15

NFT-a-thon at Scope Art 2022 - Art Basel, Miami. Remote; On site option.